If you're contacting us on behalf of someone else, please enter their name here and include your own in your message.
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Email address
GP & surgery name
Reason for requesting an eye examination
Please tick all that apply
I'm due for an examination
I'm early for an examination, but I'm having symptoms
I feel my distance vision is worse
I feel my near vision is worse
I feel my vision hasn't changed
I'm experiencing non-vision-related symptoms, eg gritty eyes (please give details in your message)
I feel my vision has changed quite rapidly (please give details in your message)
Eye conditions you're aware of:
Please give details as best you can of any conditions such as diabetes, macular degeneration or glaucoma, along with details of any hospital treatment for them (or diabetic screening visits).
Examination type
Our full examination. Recommended by our optometrists for the best check on the health of your eyes that we can offer (£50 with an NHS contribution.).
Our full private examination - if you don't normally claim any NHS help towards your examinations, we're able to see you privately (£120)
Our basic NHS examination, including the elements of an examination funded by an NHS entitlement (covered by NHS contribution).
It's difficult for me to get out to an optician unassisted because:
Please tick all that apply
Heart condition
Breathing issues/COPD
Balance issues
Dementia/Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Other (please give details in your message)
Do you (or your partner) claim any of the following?
Income Support
Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
Universal Credit
HC2 help with health costs
At home there is:
If there's a smoker at home, the room for us to test in needs to be fully ventilated in advance. If there's a cat or a dog around, they will need to be in a separate room away from our equipment and clinicians. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A person who smokes
A cat or a dog
Neither of the above
If you're requesting for someone else, please give your own name and contact details, let us know if you're planning on being at the appointment, and please confirm whether or not the person has any issues with mental capacity or ability to give consent.